Display Advertising

Display / Banner Advertising

Display advertising or banner advertising as its sometimes called connects you with users outside of Google Search. Instead of the usual text ads, you target people who have already shown an interest in your industry or services and show them visual ads as they browse the web.

The first kind of display advertising you want to get into is AdWords remarketing, which targets your previous visitors. This is one of AdWords’ standout features, giving you another chance to convert people who didn’t quite buy into your product/business the first time around.

There’s more to display advertising and the Google’s Display Network (GDN) than just remarketing though.

Display Advertising


Why should I care about the Display Network?

Remarketing is plenty enough reason to care on its own, but there are other reasons to invest in the Display Network:

    • Reach: Google says its Display Network reaches a massive 90% of internet users worldwide.
  • Targeting: Reach on its own is does nothing, but combined with AdWords’ targeting options you can pinpoint large audiences who are looking for a business like yours.
  • Engagement: The visual nature of display ads makes them more engaging – all that’s left is to get them seen by the right people.
  • Placement: Which is where Google’s advanced placement options come in, allowing you to decide who sees your ads and where.
Pay Per Click (PPC)

Adwords/Bing Ads

Getting the most out of your Pay Per Click can take years of experience. As a Google Premier Partner and Bing accredited agency, Hot Click Marketing has the knowledge & expertise to help you get the most out of your ppc.

With over 10 years experience and millions of pounds of spend managed, we’re confident we can increase your conversion rates and boost your ROI.

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads

AdWords Shopping Ads turn Google into your own product catalogue for people looking to make that next purchase. Built specifically for retailers, shopping ads are designed to increase traffic from the people most likely to buy the products they see.

We’re experts in setting up, managing & optimising Shopping Ads get in touch with one of the team today to see how we can help you sell more products online.



Remarketing allows you to show image ads to customers who have been on your site but didn’t convert, increasing your chances of making the sale as time passes. Which means you can increase your overall conversion rates and ROI and boost your brand awareness.

We have the knowledge and expertise to design, create, set up and optimise your Remarketing images & campaign.

Display Advertising

Our goal with display advertising is to target people who’ve already shown an interest in what you’re selling. People who have previously visited your site, searched for products in your industry or even visited your competitors on a regular basis.

We make your brand a regular presence as these people browse the web, showing them that you’re the place to come to when they make the next purchase.

If you want to know more about what display advertising can do for your business, get in touch with our team today.


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